From corner office to corner store

Director of Sales & Marketing, fall 2019

Mid-life career change? Why not!

There I was, sitting pretty (literally!) in a beautiful, if not spacious office with an actual window overlooking the scenic and prestigious neighborhood of Chevy Chase MD. I had finally made it! After 20 years of working my way up the ranks….from a lowly desk clerk, to an executive assistant, sales manager, and now….I was a Director! It seemed that all my hard work had paid off.

Or had it? I found myself spending more time inputting rooming lists and creating BEOs than crafting a compelling marketing strategy, or driving sales results with blitzes and teleprospecting. It was definitely not what I’d expected! I felt like an overpaid admin, rather than a seasoned professional with big ideas!

As my disappointment grew, so did my interest in fashion. I found joy in the simple pleasure of putting on my makeup, and playing mix and match with my outfits. I got into the habit of stopping at my local Starbucks every morning which gave me time to write in my gratitude journal…..and I thoroughly enjoyed the compliments I always received from the friendly staff! What a great start to the morning! Then I’d strut into the building, walking the lobby floor like a catwalk, before I got down to business. Inevitably during the day I’d take an extended lunch/coffee break, often with my new bff who worked across the street….both dissatisfied with our jobs, we enjoyed stepping out for a bit. Often we’d include a stop at Sephora where I’d stock up on new products to try.

My passion for beauty and fashion continued to grow, alongside my restlessness. Suddenly, as corny as it sounds, lightening struck my brain - what if they need sales people in fashion?

In addition to the therapy work I was already doing, I found a life coach to support me during what turned out to be a life-changing decision. I had no idea what a career in fashion would look like, so I set out to do my research like the good little student I’d always been. First order of business was to network! If you’re not familiar with Chevy Chase, it is (or was) a treasure trove of high-end retail. I literally walked across the street and introduced myself to the GM’s of Saks 5th, Bloomingdale’s, and Neiman Marcus. I made connections with reps from Cle De Peau Beaute and Estee Lauder, pumping them for information. Then I began sending out applications.

In February 2020 I dove head first and quit my job as Director of Sales, in exchange for a part-time sales position at Kate Spade. Sounds crazy, right? What’s even crazier is that only two weeks after I started, guess what happened? You got it - COVID. I’d worked all of 4 shifts before the store - and the entire world - shut down.

Two years later, here I am the Manager of the Handbag Department at Neiman Marcus. I’m making not quite, but almost, as much money as I was in the hotel business. But most importantly, I am so much happier! Every morning as I strut into work I exchange compliments with my colleagues, who appreciate fashion as much as I do. I’m surrounded by beautiful things. I spend my day interacting with fun people and playing with the placement of bags. Is it all fun and games? Not every day perhaps, but 90% of what I do I absolutely LOVE!

I hope you take inspiration from my little tale. It’s never too late to follow your passion. Life is too short. Ignore the naysayers and follow your true north. Better to take a risk, even if you fail, then to say you never tried. I’m not going to the grave wondering “what if.” I hope you don’t either.


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Fantasy vs. Reality