Commedia dell’arte

Carnival in Rome circa 1650

Long before Heath Ledger and Margot Robbie, “Harlequin” was a stock character in Italy’s Commedia dell’arte

Italy’s Commedia dell’arte was a form of improvisational theater and was characterized by stock characters, typically donning masks, that have long since remained as powerful archetypes in modern culture (hence, the appropriation by DC Comics of “Harley Quinn” for their 1992 Batman iteration). Commedia dell’arte, popular in cities in Northern Italy (especially Venice), is closely linked to Carnival, a pre-Lent Bacchanalian celebration, which was popular in Rome as well as other Catholic, Orthodox, and even Protestant nations (here in the US we are more familiar with Mardi Gras).

Why am I writing about this? Besides being a history nerd? Because once again, a sense of identity is expressed through fashion. During these celebrations, ordinary people used costumes and masks to create alternate identities of themselves. To shed the respectability of daily conventions, to frolic with a hedonism heralding back to the Grecian origins of Bacchus, was the main attraction of these events. “Elaborate costumes and masks allow people to set aside their everyday individuality and experience a heightened sense of social unity.” - Wikkipedia

Why do we find Halloween so endearing that even full-grown adults (guilty!) dress up for the occasion, with or without kiddos in tow? Why do so many of us (again, guilty!) dress up for the Renaissance Fair, in anything from historically-accurate costumes to loosely based versions that reflect fandoms ranging from Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dr. Strange, and World of Warcraft. Anything goes! Which I love! (Seriously, the weekend before it closes right before Halloween…..the people watching is insane!)

Which brings us back to my recurring theme of identify. “Who are YOU” (see previous post on Alice in Wonderland) is a question that we ask ourselves every day. EVERY DAY we are dressing up for a role….maybe it’s corporate powerhouse, maybe it’s seductive siren, maybe it’s loyal housewife or mundane mom….the roles we play in our daily lives are endless. Who wouldn’t want to break out of the mold and try on a completely separate sense of self?

So, if you are following me and/or reading this, I would love your comments! Who do you want to be? How would you dress if no one was looking? What does your alternate reality look like? Am I just flipping crazy?! Please share your thoughts!! And thank you for reading.


Blog Post Twelve


Color Confidence