I brag….

I don’t know where I’d be without my friends and family!

Life Coach and owner of the Purpose Girl podcast, Carin Rockind, taught me an exercise called “I brag.” So often we are focused on our faults, our flaws, our mistakes….the self-criticism is constant. We strive for perfection. Which is why it is so important to stop and reflect, especially at this time of year, on all that we have accomplished! So, here goes…

I BRAG….that I am the best mom that I can be to a very challenging boy who is on the autism spectrum. He tests my patience constantly, but through it all he is the light of my life! I’m so grateful for him and the relationship we have.

I BRAG….that I have taken the huge step of starting my own business! Rather than wait for the perfect opportunity to present itself, I’ve decided to forge my own path. There’s no limit to what I can accomplish, now that I’m freed of the constraints of Corporate America.

I BRAG….that while starting my own business, and mothering my child, I have simultaneously maintained a successful career in the hospitality industry. This past year I even started working at a prestigious luxury resort in Miami! I love the property and the team, and the opportunity to work remotely (with some travel). It’s the best of all worlds!

I BRAG….that from a hotel background with no retail experience, I became a Store Manager at Michael Kors and a Department Manager at Neiman Marcus. I’m eternally grateful to the people who gave me those opportunities.

I BRAG….that since leaving Neiman Marcus, I’ve stayed a part of the fashion community and grown my network of designers, models, influencers, and photographers, etc. I’m so grateful to everyone that has accepted me into this world and has encouraged me to follow my passion!

I’m also extremely grateful, of course, for my husband who tries his best to be supportive of my dreams, even if he doesn’t always understand them….to my Mom and Dad for always believing in me, whatever I chose to do….and to my entire family for their ongoing love and support. As proud as I am of all I have achieved, I also recognize that I couldn’t have done it alone without the support of family, friends, and colleagues. THANK YOU ALL!

Happy Holidays, and the best of everything to you in the New Year.


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