Through the Looking Glass

Kristina Through the Looking Glass

“For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately, that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.”― Lewis Carroll

This quote pretty much sums up my life philosophy! Move myself to NYC to become the next Carrie Bradshaw? Why not?! Take a side trip to Cuba from Costa Rica, at the age of 22? Why not?! Change careers mid-life from hospitality to luxury retail and back again? Sure!

But I digress…..

I recently had the privilege of attending a very VIP event (insert Ana Delvey accent here) by WEModel, at the MGM National Harbor. I confess that this was my first time there! After navigating the very confusing elevator bank and attempting to circumvent the Casino, I found myself in the presence of an awe-inspiring flower wall made up of Cherry Blossoms! Continuing further down the passageway, I found myself in a garden of gargantuan proportions - surely I had shrunk! There was a frog catching a fly, a butterfly flapping his majestic wings, flowers 8 feet tall! Had I fallen down a rabbit hole indeed?

The designs on the runway were no less incroyable. As a fundraiser to prevent human trafficking, the models walked in variations on the theme, embodying empowerment and self-advocacy. It was frankly very moving as well as fantastical! There was a young lady walking with wings of white and black, a woman who walked with her hands shackled to break free at the end of the runway, and other variations of bondages broken and women freed. Awe-inspiring.

Of course, some of these moment offered uncomfortable reminders of the privilege so very few of us are fortunate enough to enjoy. To even attend an event in the name of Fashion, even Philanthropy, is a privilege of which I am very aware. I’m honored to have the opportunity to write this blog, and for you to accept me for who I am, Dear Reader.


Kristina Christopher


Part of Your World


Blog Post Twelve